Unlocking personal development for all

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We live in a world of constant change, there is always something new we are told we should be doing, watching or being so it’s no surprise that personal development has taken centre stage from self-help books to motivational speakers the pursuit of personal growth and improvement has become a significant part of people’s lives and careers. 

You would be forgiven then for thinking it is easily accessible when spoiler alert – it isn’t.

But it should be, is what I hope you’re saying now to yourself.

I agree, it should be, lofty aspirations you might think but having spent several years coaching and mentoring countless individuals I’ve seen first-hand the impact personal development can have on a person, the ongoing process of enhancing various aspects of life to achieve greater self-awareness, fulfilling potential and lead a purposeful and value-driven personal and professional life cannot be underestimated.

What makes it inaccessible?

Lots of factors contribute to the inaccessibility of personal and professional development opportunities from socio-economic backgrounds, career level or status or size of employer, language barriers, time constraints, unsupportive environments, disability, financial constraints or cultural stigma and it’s up to all of us as businesses or individuals with influence to work together to try and change this for the better.

Here are just some reasons why

Creating Equal Opportunities
Access to personal and professional development for all, levels the playing field and means that more people have the chance to enhance their skills, boost their confidence and pursue their goals regardless of socioeconomic status.

Personal development empowers people to take control. When people are equipped with the right tools to grow and improve they become part of shaping their own journey instead of following pre-defined paths. 

If one person thrives, so does another. A society where personal and professional development is available to all means people contribute positively to their communities creating a ripple event of growth and progress which wouldn’t have existed before. 

Diversity is required for innovation, where personal development is accessible to everyone, We tap into a broader pool of talent, knowledge and diversity of thought fostering creativity and progress as a result.

We need Action Not Words

This is the theme for the upcoming Reframe Women in Tech Conference taking place in London this September and whilst you can learn more about the event itself by visiting the links above, something which we are committed to is making personal development accessible to all and we do this in a few different ways, we keep our ticket prices at an all-time low meaning cost shouldn’t be a factor when attending our event, we share free community tickets and we offer free childcare at our event, we also champion first-time speakers creating opportunities right there on our stage for people to develop and grow personally and professionally.

Personal development should not be a luxury reserved for a select few and as a society we must advocate for the accessibility of development resources, removal of barriers and creating a more inclusive, innovative and diverse place to live and work.

Let’s unlock the power of personal development together. Here are some actions you might want to consider:


  • Are you in a position to help someone with their personal development perhaps through mentoring, coaching or sponsorship?
  • Are you a business that can ‘pay it forward’ by purchasing a ticket at Reframe Women in Tech and help create an opportunity for someone to access personal development? 
  • Can you create impact within your organisation or community and advocate accessibility for personal development? 
  • Are you aware of barriers when it comes to personal development, can you call them out and help create change? 

Tickets for Reframe Women in Tech Conference are available now for just £69 + VAT

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