Explore the themes of the day for Reframe Women in Tech London 2023
Action Not Words is the theme for Reframe Women in Tech London 2023, bringing together the learnings, development and empowerment from previous events, we want everyone who is part of London 2023 to come away with tangible actions rather than just words and with the ability to create change.
Throughout the day we will be asking each of our speakers to pledge to create or carry out an action in an area which is of importance to them, these don’t need to be huge gestures, we are firm believers that small steps combine to create a big leap forward so whether it’s talking to someone about male allyship in your organisation, putting together a group of like-minded people or something else, we are all on a journey towards change and all actions are equally as important.
We want everyone to take action and not just words and this goes for us too – we’ll be sharing our pledge for action at the event.

The Journey Not The Goal
From early education onwards we are always taught to focus on the goal, pass the exam, get into the right university, and become a certain role. As a result, we spend a lot of time focusing on the end goal with thoughts of ‘I’ll be happy when’ ‘ I’ll be successful when’ and we become goal-fixated rather than embracing the learning and development journey we go through and the powerful benefits of reflection.
As part of this theme, we will be covering:
- Finding Your Fit
- Facing Challenges
- Why failure is not fatal
- Changing direction
- Enjoying and learning from the journey

We believe we are better together, that community and personal development go hand in hand and that we can create so much more opportunities by being allies, mentors and advocates of each other.
As part of this theme, we will be covering:
- The impact of positive communities
- Finding your place
- How to be an ally – practical steps
- Mentorship
- Advocates
- Supporters
- Male Allyship

Vulnerability is uncomfortable but necessary. Emotions are part of human behaviour and in allowing ourselves to be open and authentic we create the opportunity to have better conversations, to develop trusting relationships and to encourage collaboration. Vulnerability leads to courage, if we don’t share experiences and learning we end up feeling like we are the only ones having certain experiences and feelings – when the opposite is true.
As part of this theme, we will be covering:
- Normalising emotion in a professional setting
- Speaking Up
- Showing Empath
- Being recognised for your value